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为理顺种苗工作关系,适应市场经济和今后林业管理体制的要求,年初,经林业厅批准,林业育苗业务管理职能从造林经营处移交给河北省林木种子站。1998年11月17日经 In order to rationalize the working relationship between seedlings and seedlings and to meet the requirements of market economy and forestry management system in the future, at the beginning of the year, with the approval of the Forestry Department, forestry seedling management functions were transferred from the afforestation department to the tree seed station in Hebei Province. November 17, 1998
四大综合性祖寺之昌珠寺  泽当南郊贡布日山南麓,在去雍布拉康的路上,有一座西藏历史上地位十分特殊的寺院,这就是昌珠寺。  寺庙坐东朝西,虽是临路,却也并不喧嚷。车窗上一片恢宏的建筑群在眼前一闪,就过去了。为了赶时间,我曾经三过昌珠寺,艳阳下的红墙金顶,寺前巨大的鎏金转经筒,都留下了深刻的印象。那种感觉,就像一起长大的老朋友,多时不见,在路上错马擦身,挥挥手,点点头,甚至只是相互看一眼,就此别过,简