Hosted by “Football Lottery 310” magazine, 2006 “Football Lottery 310” hosted by Fangdong Xinghua Sports Development Center was completed on Saturday, August 19, 2006. This is Fangdong Hing Wah Sports Development Center with “Lottery 310” successfully organized the second league. The two races on Saturday morning were the three-four battle and two-for-one championship battle between the Paper Plane and Hyundai Teams. And in the end is widely favored by the popular crown team led rely on the best shooter Bowen three goals, the score locked at 5: 1 and the champion trophy bag. Bowen is also 15 goals easily won the league’s best scorer, the results exceeded the second best team of Chaoyang sun Wang 6 as much. Another unrelated contest, paper plane team to 3: 0 score became the third runner-up. After a series of battles lasting more than two months in a row, sixteen teams finally managed to fight against each other and finally finished their second runner-up, the second league in the second principle of the first match of friendship. And the ultimate championship team led by absolute advantage all the way to become the last well-deserved champion team.