臭灵丹(Laggera pterodonta Benth.)系菊科植物,国外产于非洲热带至印度,国内产于云南各地,特别以思茅专区产量丰富,鲜叶含挥发油0.05%。据《滇南本草》记载:本品治“风热积毒”“风寒毒疮”及“截疟”等症。民间常用其治疗喉痛及伤风咳嗽等病。
Laggera pterodonta Benth. is a plant of the Asteraceae family. It is produced in tropical Africa to India and is produced locally in Yunnan. It is particularly rich in the area of Simao. The fresh leaves contain 0.05% volatile oil. According to the “Southern Yunnan Materia Medica” record: This product treats “wind and heat accumulation toxic” “wind and cold sores” and “cutting malaria” embolism. Folks often use it for the treatment of sore throats, colds and coughs.