丁加奴是位于西马(马来西亚分为西马和东马)的东北部。从吉隆坡驾车去丁加奴需要三个多小时的行程。这次的盆景展是由丁加奴盆景艺术学友会举办,在当地的Paya Bunga Square购物广场举行,展出时间从6月11日到6月14日。展会展出了123件盆景作品,树种包括香松、毛朴、水梅、寿娘子、象牙树、黄花土木、金合欢、真柏等等。这次的从冠军得奖作品是一件大品香松盆景。丁加奴政府外交长拿督哈吉莫哈莫洒
Terengganu is located in the northeast of West Malaysia (Malaysia is divided into West Malaysia and East Malaysia). Driving from Kuala Lumpur to Terengganu takes more than three hours. This bonsai exhibition, organized by the Dingkonan Bonsai Art Association, takes place at the local Paya Bunga Square shopping mall, which runs from June 11 until June 14. The exhibition displayed 123 pieces of bonsai works, including species of fragrant pine, Mao Pak, plum, longevity, ivory, yellow civil engineering, acacia, true cypress and so on. This time winning entries from the winner is a large piece of pine bonsai. Diplomatic President of the Terengganu Government, Dato ’Haji Mohammer