格列索斯的呼(?) 三年前被希(?)保皇法西斯分子判处了死刑的希腊抵抗运动英雄曼诺里斯·格列索斯,最近在希腊大选中当选为国会议员。但是他始终被幽禁在阿维罗夫监狱里。因之,十月八日,他在狱中宣佈绝食,同时打电报给斯大林大元帅和毛泽东主席,并且向全世界各国政界人士和舆论界呼(?)。格列索斯在电报里说:‘在九月九日的大选中,我以左翼民主联盟候送人的资格,在雅典当选为议员。我获得了二万八千七百多张选票,等于当选所需选票的三倍。在大选中,人民投票拥护和平,要求恢复并确立国内的正常局势。因此,人民迫切要求政府当
Glorietos, the Greek resistance hero who was sentenced to death by Greek Cypriot Fascists three years ago, was recently voted MP by the Greek presidential election. However, he was kept in prison in Aviliv. Therefore, on October 8, he announced his hunger strike in prison, telephoned to Generalissimo Stalin and Chairman Mao Zedong, and called (?) Politicians and media outlets from all over the world. In a telegram, Glebissos said: ’In the September 9 general election, I was eligible to serve as a candidate for Leftist Democrats and was elected as a member of parliament in Athens. I have obtained 28,700 votes, equivalent to three times the number of votes required for the election. In the general election, people voted for peace and demanded the restoration and establishment of a normal domestic situation. Therefore, the people are pressing for government