环境保护问题已成为当今国际贸易中各国关注的新焦点 ,作者通过分析产品价格剪刀差、“环境倾销”、垃圾贸易等与环境相互影响的几个问题 ,阐明在不合理国际经济秩序和狭隘民族利己主义观念影响下 ,贸易将资源的过度开发和过度消费联系起来 ,加剧地球自然环境的污染 ,必须扭转这种状况才能保障各国平等的发展机会的权利 ,实现人类社会的长期持续发展
The issue of environmental protection has become a new focus of attention of all countries in international trade. By analyzing several issues such as scissors prices, “environmental dumping” and trade in rubbish with the environment, the author expounds the unreasonable international economic order and the narrow national self-interest Under the influence of the concept ofism, trade links the over-exploitation of resources with overconsumption and exacerbates the pollution of the Earth’s natural environment. We must reverse this situation in order to guarantee the equal right of development opportunities for all countries and realize the long-term sustainable development of human society