每本期刊或工业杂志,总是提及现场总线这个词,那么它是什么?现场总线给今天的工程师提供什么益处呢?Newpart的Wales College大学的Robert Dorr,他本身也是工程师和设计师,研究这一技术并在此概述了其未来的潜力。现场总线技术在相当长一段时间是处于一种或另外一种形式,但是现在世界范围工业对此的兴趣速度加快了。这篇文章的目的在于聚集工程师对现场技术看法,以及其提供的对信息打开大门的益处。这些信息不仅被工程师所使用,而且被与管理信息系统和质量控制打交道的管
What does it mean for each journal or industry magazine to refer to the term fieldbus? What are the benefits of fieldbus to today’s engineers? Robert Dorr of Wales College, Newpart, an engineer and designer of his own, This technology outlines here its potential for the future. Fieldbus technology has been in one form or another for quite some time, but the interest of industry around the world is now accelerating. The purpose of this article is to gather engineers’ perceptions of the technology in the field and the benefits it offers to open the door to information. This information is not only used by engineers but also managed by management information systems and quality control