一座智能化大厦,如何树立自己的品牌? 我以为,单一的电子商务不见得能体现该大厦特有的价值。欲求提升大厦的价值空间,使作为业主的中小企业感受到共用的周边资源,就是要从具体的电子商务管理体系中去寻找答案。比如说,一般的财务、审计、文秘等业务,大厦已经配套的电子商务体系可以提供
An intelligent building, how to establish their own brand? I think, a single e-commerce may not reflect the unique value of the building. Desire to enhance the value of the space for the building so that SMEs as owners feel the shared peripheral resources, that is, from the specific e-commerce management system to find the answer. For example, the general financial, auditing, secretarial and other business, the building has been supporting the e-commerce system can provide