中国盆景金奖集(1) “人与自然共存”——《古木清池》

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《古木清池》,以几株榔榆为主景,以水面、旱地和龟纹石为次景,着重表现原始而纯真的自然美,意欲呼唤人类增强保护环境、尊重自然的意识。该作品获得以“人与自然”为主题的’99昆明世界园艺博览会大奖。《古木清池》在构思布局上,着重强调了主景树的表现和塑造。其根裸露,自然有力,仿佛历尽沧桑,饱经风吹雨打,它支撑着粗壮古老的躯干,欹侧天空,顶端微微昂起,一侧枝坚实有力地甩向地面,与水相映。根盘虽坐落右侧,树冠却随主干的倾斜而充斥左侧大部分空间,有着强烈的动感趋势。作 “Ancient wood clear pool”, with several belums as the main scene, with water, dry land and stone for the second scene, focusing on the performance of the original and pure natural beauty, intended to call for human enhancement of environmental protection, respect for the natural sense. The work won the ’99 Kunming World Horticultural Exposition Award with the theme of “People and Nature”. “Old Wood Clear Pool” in the layout of the concept, emphasizing the performance and shape of the main King tree. Its bare root, natural and powerful, as if through the vicissitudes of life, weather-beaten, it supports the thick old trunk, 欹 side of the sky, the top slightly raised, one side of the branches solid and powerful thrown to the ground, and water phase. Although the root is located on the right side of the trunk but with the inclination of the trunk flooded most of the space on the left, with a strong dynamic trend. Make
研究了环戊二烯基三叔丁基苯酚基钛(Cp-tert-Bu3 PhO)TiCl2与硼助剂Ph3CB(C6F5)4组成的催化剂体系进行丙烯聚合的情况,以及影响催化剂活性及产物相对分子质量的各种因素。实验
一甲订口气豁黔{布咋嘴 而蔽葡石福谕不瘾薪蕊流蕊黔播{行掣磷,‘吕吕、一:,llj!卜!11111!.rl.l里皿叮-J树种:黑松规格:飘长45厘米制作:余画树种:榆树规格:高48厘米制作:余姚