A novel vWF A3-GPI modified EPCs to enhance its adhesion ability to collegen

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adige
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Objective:To gain purified recombination protein rGPI-vWF A3 which can guide endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) gathering to the internal surface of the injured vessels theoretically and analyze its bioactivity in vitro. Methods: The plasmid vector of vWF A3 fusion protein which contained GPI structure was constructed and recombination protein rGPI-vWF A3 was expressed and its bioactivity was analyzed by ELISA and FCM. Results: Fusion protein vWF A3-GPI was expressed and purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and it could stably anchored on the surface of EPCs and showed its biological activities of collagen conjunction. Conclusion: These findings represent a novel strategy in EPC transplantation treatment for vessel injury. Objective: To gain purified recombination protein rGPI-vWF A3 which can guide endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) gathering to the internal surface of the damaged vessels theoretically and analyze its bioactivity in vitro. Methods: The plasmid vector of vWF A3 fusion protein which contained GPI Structure was constructed and recombination protein rGPI-vWF A3 was expressed and its bioactivity was analyzed by ELISA and FCM. Results: Fusion protein vWF A3-GPI was expressed and purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and it could stably anchored on the surface of EPCs and showed its biological activities of collagen conjunction. Conclusion: These findings represent a novel strategy in EPC transplantation treatment for vessel injury.
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明代李时珍生性耿直,嫉恶如仇。他深怜身处社会底层的广大劳苦群众,深恨那些以搜括、剥削为能事的贪官污吏。 相传因李时珍医道高明,曾担任朝廷太医院院判。但不到一年时间,