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人才测评经历了古代、近代到现代三个发展阶段。每个阶段都有其发展的特点,并起着承上启下的作用。一、古代人才测评思想的形成从古至今,人对预测自己的未来一直保持很大兴趣。我国古代哲学思想的核心就是关注人的生命存在,即关注人的生活及生存状况。由于改造自然力量有限,早在春秋战国时期就已经出现预测命运的 Talent evaluation has experienced the ancient, modern to modern three stages of development. Each stage has its own characteristics of development and plays the role of linkages. I. The Formation of Ancient Talent Assessment Thought Since ancient times, people have been very interested in predicting their own future. The core of ancient Chinese philosophy is concerned about the existence of human life, that is, people's life and living conditions. As the transformation of natural forces is limited, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States period has appeared predicted fate
桂林西北约七八十公里有个龙脊梯田。我曾在梯田环绕的红瑶寨子里小住了几日,饱览叠翠山色,品尝山野美味。  从桂林一路游览来到龙胜各族自治县,在县城乘中巴前往龙脊梯田。车沿着盘山公路蜿蜒前行,小小的车厢满载着赶集回家的当地居民、购买的货物和我们一行几个游客,就像巴西影片《中央车站》里,小男孩从里约热内卢去往东北部找寻父亲一路上搭过的敞篷卡车一样,挤得满满当当,但极具生活气息。    走过风雨桥,进入寨