本刊讯(特约通讯员卢胜进) 11月中旬,由湖南省江永县桃川洞名特优新产品开发区管理委员会、江永潇湘食品有限公司和该县科学技术局共同承担的“黑蚱蝉田间消长规律及防治技术研究与应用”及“江永香柚剪磨收集花粉毛笔点授技术研究与推广”项
The newsletter (special correspondent Lu Shengjin) in mid-November, from Jiangyong County, Hunan Province, Taichung name Teyou New Product Development Zone Management Committee, Jiang Yong Xiaoxiang Food Co., Ltd. and the county Science and Technology Bureau jointly bear Field growth and decline of law and prevention and control technology research and application “and ” Jiang Yongxiang pomelo pollen pollination pollination point granting technology research and promotion "