笔者曾发表《关于信的感慨》一 文,谈我们一些大学毕业生乃至大 学教师书信知识之缺乏,其中谈到 有大学教师信封上收信人一栏写着 某某人“敬收”或“敬启”,博士所写 之信和《瞭望》周刊(海外版)作为卷 首语的“北京书简”,开头的称谓竟 然为“吾兄”“贵刊”。有些人甚至连 信末“此致”“敬礼”之类该如何写, 也不甚了然。这些被认为是文化水 平较高者写信时的种种差错,实在 出人意料。而写信,古来乃中国文人 最起码最实用的技能。对我们民族 的文化传统接受甚少,连信也写不 好的人,我们能说他是一个合格的 大学毕业生吗?更不要说博士、刊物 编辑、大学教授。对于这种现象,谁 能不深感忧虑呢?
The author once published the article “Sentiment on Letters” and talked about the lack of knowledge of some of our university graduates and even college teachers. It mentioned that there was a column of recipients on the college teacher’s envelope stating that someone “receives” or “respects”. “The letter written by the doctor and the ”Outlook“ magazine (overseas edition) are the ”Beijing Slips“ of the initial volume. The title at the beginning was ”My brother“ and ”Your magazine." Some people do not even know how to write such things as “hearing” and “saluting” at the end. It is unexpected that these mistakes, which are considered to be higher levels of culture, have been written. In writing, ancient Chinese are the most practical skills for Chinese literati. People who accept very little about our nation’s cultural traditions and even write bad letters can we say that he is a qualified college graduate, let alone a doctor, a journal editor, a university professor. Who can not worry deeply about this phenomenon?