【摘 要】
篮球比赛中中锋的站位距离球篮近 ,而且活动区域大 ,是攻守的要害地区 ,对防守者来说威胁最大 .相对而言 ,投篮命中率也较高 ,但也是防守的重点对象 .因此 ,中锋只掌握中、近
【机 构】
庆阳师范高等专科学校 745000
篮球比赛中中锋的站位距离球篮近 ,而且活动区域大 ,是攻守的要害地区 ,对防守者来说威胁最大 .相对而言 ,投篮命中率也较高 ,但也是防守的重点对象 .因此 ,中锋只掌握中、近距离跳投技术是不够的 ,还应掌握在移动中摆脱抢位接球投篮 ;掌握多种不同方式在不同角度、不同位置的投篮技术动作 ,只有这样才能提高球队的整体水平 ,才能赢得比赛的最后胜利
Basketball center position near the basket, and the activity area, is a defensive and defensive area, the greatest threat to the defender.Relatively, the shooting is also high, but also the focus of the defense.So , The center only grasp the middle and close jumper technology is not enough, but also grasp the move out of grab catching shots; master a variety of different ways in different angles, different positions of the shooting technique moves, the only way to improve the team’s The overall level in order to win the final victory of the game
Background:Aging is a complex systems level problem that needs a systems level solution.However,system models of aging and longevity,although urgently needed,ar
关于香叶天竺葵 Pelargonium graveolens L’Herit(译者注:下简称为香叶)的养料分布与吸收没有资料报导,因而研究了它在不同生长阶段的主要养料吸收量和分布情况,并制订了施
根据状态反射规律分析 ,头部位置的改变 ,直接影响着铅球、铁饼、标枪等投掷项目的运动水准 分析探讨头部位置的改变状况将有利于投掷技术的教学与训练 ,以收到更好的训练效
Background:We aim to address one question:do cancer vs.normal tissue cells execute their transcription regulation essentially the same or differently,and why?Me