丹麦是一个工、农业生产都较为先进 ,教育也较发达的国家 ,也是世界上实施义务教育比较早的国家 ,而特殊教育的水平在欧洲各国中也是名列前茅的 ,当然也存在着这样那样的问题。本文从丹麦的教育、特殊教育和特殊师范教育三个方面入手 ,简要地阐述丹麦特殊教育发展的基本情况和存在的问题 ,以期为我国特殊教育的进步提供一些参考 ,提高我国的特殊教育发展水平。
Denmark is a country where workers and agricultural production are more advanced and education is more advanced. It is also one of the countries where compulsory education is relatively early in the world. However, the level of special education is also among the highest in Europe and there are of course such problems . This article starts with three aspects of Danish education, special education and special teacher education. It briefly explains the basic situation and existing problems of special education in Denmark in order to provide some references for the progress of special education in our country and to improve the level of special education in our country. .