智能建筑是指利用系统集成方法,将计算机技术、通信技术、信息技术与建筑艺术有机结合,通过对设备的自动监控,对信息资源的高效管理、对使用者的信息服务及其建筑的优化组合,可获得的投资合理、适合信息社会需求并且具有安全、高效、舒适和便利等特点的建筑物。 智能建筑不仅能延长建筑物的使用寿命,降低设备的能耗,提高楼宇管理的工作效率,节省人工费用,而且更主要的是,其优化完美完善的环境与设施
Intelligent building refers to the use of system integration methods, the computer technology, communication technology, information technology and architectural art organically through the automatic monitoring of equipment, efficient management of information resources, the user’s information service and its optimal combination of architecture , Affordable investment, buildings suitable for the needs of the information society and featuring safety, efficiency, comfort and convenience. Smart buildings can not only extend the life of buildings, reduce equipment energy consumption, improve building management efficiency, save labor costs, but more importantly, optimize its perfect environment and facilities