Microwave acupuncture is a special “antenna” to the point of injection of microwave, so that low-dose microwave can play a large dose of the role of security does not require protection. Microwave acupuncture both the effectiveness of microwave therapy, but also both the role of acupuncture and moxibustion, has become a new method with some efficiency. It is different from the traditional “warm needles” (with cashmere wrapped in needle handle on the lit ixon) needle body temperature, its heat is generated by the skin effect of microwaves, and rapid quantitative control. A sense of needle, have a strong sense of air and lasting, but also can use the microwave power to adjust the sense of acupuncture and flu. Has been used in clinical. Microwave acupuncture has to clear the meridians, Shujinhuoxue, swelling, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, Sanfeng to cold,