
来源 :中国音乐 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qichen1988
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东南亚不仅作为一个地理合成词,而且作为一个共同的音乐文化圈为东西方学者所瞩目。提供这一证据的主要音乐现象之一是东南亚林林总总、色彩纷呈的编锣乐器群。 整个东南亚地区在地理上分属半岛与海岛国家。从中南半岛最北部的缅甸山地到位于新几内亚岛的伊里安查亚东部边界;北起吕宋岛以北的巴坦群岛,南迄帝汶岛南端的罗地岛,东西斜跨约5700公里,南北绵延约3500公里。隔着马六甲海峡,苏门答腊与马来半岛交臂相望顺势而下,和爪哇巴厘岛一起以吕宋群岛为轴心背倚印度洋,划了一道优美的岛弧。 这里地处衔接亚洲和大洋洲,沟通印度洋与太平洋的“十字路口”,马六甲海峡便是这路口的咽喉之地;巴厘岛东侧龙目海峡是亚澳大陆生物地理的分界,被称之为“亚洲的末梢”。 Southeast Asia not only serves as a geosynthetic word, but also attracts the attention of East and West scholars as a common musical cultural circle. One of the main musical phenomena that provides this evidence is the glittering gongs and musical instruments cluster in Southeast Asia. The entire Southeast Asia geographically belong to the peninsula and island countries. From the Burmese mountain range in the far north of Indochina Peninsula to the eastern boundary of Irian Jaya in New Guinea Island; to the north of the island of Patan in the north of Luzon Island and to the southern tip of Timor Leste Island in the south of the island, Km, stretches about 3500 km from north to south. Across the Strait of Malacca, Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula cross homeopathic down with the island of Bali, Indonesia together with the Luzon Islands as the axis of the Indian Ocean, draw a beautiful island arc. Here is located in the convergence of Asia and Oceania, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean to cross the “crossroads”, the Strait of Malacca is the throat of this junction; east of Lombok strait in Asia is the boundaries of biogeography in Asia and Australia, known as the “ Asian endings. ”
很多中学生不喜欢文言文(古文),觉得那些“之乎者也”跟现代生活没什么关系,其实不然,中国有近五千年的文明史,而真正使用白话文写文章还不到一百年,很多中国文化的精髓都是用文言文写就的,而中学阶段是每个人都能接受这方面教育的唯一机会,所以要想成为一个有文化的中国人,应该掌握文言文知识,就象现代人掌握一门外语一样重要。  文言文,一直都是初中生比较“头痛”的一个大难题。很多学生都反映,学习文言文时,很多