佛肚树(Jateopho podagrica)又名玉树珊瑚、珊瑚花、珊瑚樽,大戟科麻风树属。该属植物全世界约有200余种,主要分布于热带、亚热带地区,由于佛肚树独特的造型与鲜艳的花朵使其成为该属植物中最著名的观赏花卉。佛肚树为落叶小灌木,株高40cm~50cm,茎干粗壮,肉质,中部膨大似酒瓶,又似弥勒佛的突鼓肚皮,故称佛肚树。其茎皮粗糙,常外翻剥落,似麻风患者的脚,故属麻风树属,又称麻风树。但真正的麻风树(J.curcus)其茎干不膨大。佛肚树的小枝红色,多分枝,似珊瑚一样,又称珊瑚花、玉树珊瑚等。佛肚树的叶大,盾
Judaophylla (Jateopho podagrica), also known as Eucalyptus coral, coral flowers, coral bottles, Euphorbia Jatropha. The genus of about 200 species around the world, mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions, due to the unique shape of the Buddha belly tree and bright flowers make it the most famous ornamental flowers in the genus. Buddha belly tree deciduous shrubs, plant height 40cm ~ 50cm, stalks thick, succulent, central swelling similar to the bottle, also known as the Maitreya drum belly, it is called Buddha belly tree. Its rough bark, often valgus flaking, like leprosy patients feet, it is genus Jatropha, also known as Jatropha. But the real J.curcus does not have a stem that is thick. Buddha belly twigs red, multi-branched, like corals, also known as coral flowers, coral and other Yushu. Buddha belly tree leaves, shield