日军不甘心失败,屡败屡战。1942年10月对日,日本丸山中将率领第2师团主力约5600人再次进攻瓜岛的美军阵地,遇到美军的顽强抵抗。 10月24日夜,天空中雷电交加、大雨瓢泼,第2师团再次发动总攻击。他们用强大的兵力向美军正面猛扑,很快被美军击溃。第二批士兵冒雨爬出阴暗泥泞的草丛,狂呼大叫着扑向美军阵地。此后,一批又一批日军土兵爬过同伴的尸体,发起自杀式冲锋。他们挥舞着军刀、刺刀、短刀、手榴弹等近战肉搏的武器,逐渐突进美军阵地。战争完全变成野蛮的肉搏。
Japanese unwilling failure, repeated fighting. On October 10, 1942, Lieutenant General Maruyama, Japan, led the 2nd Corps of the Major Force with a force of about 5,600 and once again attacked the positions of U.S. forces on Guadalupa and met the staunch resistance of the U.S. military. On the night of October 24, lightning thunderstorms in the sky, pouring heavy rain, the second division again launched the total attack. They used their mighty troops to swoop in front of the U.S. military and were soon defeated by the U.S. forces. The second group of soldiers raced out of the dark, muddy grass and screamed and shouted at the U.S. positions. Since then, batches of Japanese soldiers crawling across the bodies of their companions, launched a suicide charge. They waving saber, bayonet, knife, grenades and other melee weapons, and gradually into the U.S. positions. The war turned completely barbaric melee.