Chemotherapy is one of the main ways to treat malignant tumors. Most chemotherapeutic drugs are given intravenously. However, intravenous drugs often fail due to poor puncture technique, no proper selection of veins, no strict implementation of aseptic technique and drug dilution Insufficient for a variety of reasons such as extravasation caused by chemotherapy drugs, leakage caused by local pain, swelling or local vein cord or even induration of peripheral phlebitis, it is a common complication of chemotherapy, not only to bring the body and Psychological distress, but also affect the further treatment of the disease. If phlebitis does not promptly after treatment, may lead to skin tissue necrosis, infection and other serious complications. In order to actively prevent the occurrence of phlebitis, we should actively prevent the occurrence of phlebitis through the education of health, the improvement of nursing staff’s sense of responsibility, improvement of puncture technique, normal control of infusion concentration and method of chemotherapy drugs, strict aseptic operation and the like, and once the chemotherapeutic drugs cause phlebitis , Effective emergency measures should be taken immediately and early treatment effectively control the inflammatory reaction to a minimum, which not only can reduce the patient’s pain and improve work efficiency, but also greatly help in the further diagnosis and treatment of the disease.