Mason’s scientific name is Poisonwood, which belongs to Marsaceae. It is a deciduous shrub. It is about three feet high. It is rare in eight or nine feet. Its bark is brown-brown and has four branches. Leaves opposite, nearly sessile, ovate or lanceolate, nine to three inches long, apex acuminate, veins three, green and shiny. Inflorescences, clustered every two to three; flowers small, slightly greenish or red. The fruit is fleshy, round, red, quite beautiful, and sometimes reddish-brown, and its fleshy part becomes the petals of the female flower. The stems, leaves, and roots of this species are toxic and the fruit is especially toxic. The toxicity of the toxic components contained in the mulberry, the performance of human toxicity, and India, like tetracycline, pediatric poisoning, the performance of coma and convulsions. There are many Marshmallows in the hilly areas of Sichuan Province. Children in rural areas often suffer poisoning due to a large number of fruit picking. In December 1956, Zhang and Jin II reported one case in the Chinese Journal of Pediatrics and discussed the toxicological effects of Marsala. In view of the small number of reported cases, two cases were reported as follows.