发挥舆论监督作用 架设协商对话桥梁

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安徽宿县人民广播电台在改革开放的形势下,开创广播宣传的新途径,在领导者和群众之间架设协商对话桥梁,充分发挥舆论监督作用,辟设了《县长与听众》专栏。随着改革开放的深入发展,人们思想空前活跃,广大群众渴望了解领导层的决策意图和工作部署,领导干部也希望了解广大群众的意见和呼声。宿县人民广播电台于今年9月提出了改革广播宣传的设想,与县委、县政府和县委宣传 Under the situation of reform and opening up, People’s Broadcasting Station of Suxian County, Anhui Province, initiated a new channel for broadcasting and publicity, set up a bridge of consultation and dialogue between leaders and the masses, gave full play to the role of media supervision and set up a special column entitled “County Chief and Audience.” With the deepening of the reform and opening up, people are unprecedentedly active in thinking and the masses are eager to understand the leadership’s decision-making intentions and work arrangements. Leading cadres also want to understand the opinions and voices of the broad masses of the people. Suxian People’s Broadcasting Station in September this year put forward the idea of ​​reform of radio and television propaganda, and the county government and county propaganda
1 引言rn翻译研究的主流早已跳出语言学的窠臼,实现了文化转向.研究的重心从单纯语言转换机制转向跨学科综合分析,研究的倾向从价值的评判转向文本与社会的互动关系,文本外因
<正> 中国广播电视学会广播电视史学研究委员会第一次会议于1987年4月25日在大连市举行。推选杨兆麟为史学研究委员会主任委员,赵玉明、林青为副主任委员。
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a common human pathogen causing cold sores and even more serious diseases.It can establish a latent stage in sensory gang
TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) is an important enzyme in the regulation of cellular antiviral effects.TBK1 regulates the activity of the interferon regulatory fac
1 引言rn“互动语言学”(interactional linguistics)是功能主义语言学派近年来着力推进的研究领域和重要发展方向之一.自2001年Selting & Couper-Kuhlen在论文集《互动语言