勤换衣 回家第一件事就是将外衣换下,最好及时清洗。 勤洗手 洗手是预防病菌传染的第一道防线,因此,要特别注意手的清洁和消毒。打开水龙头后,用流动的水冲洗手部,不仅要把手心手背手腕洗净,指尖、拇指和指甲缝都要彻底清洗。肥皂或洗涤液泡沫要在手上来回搓10~15s,整个搓揉时间不应少于30s,最后再用流动的自来水冲洗干净。一般情况下,应照此办法重复两三遍。
Qin change clothes home is the first thing to replace the coat, the best time to clean. Wash hands and hands Washing is the first line of defense against germs, so pay special attention to your hands for cleaning and disinfection. After turning on the faucet, rinse your hands with flowing water. Wash your hands and wrists not only on your wrist but also on your fingertips, thumbs and nails. Soap or detergent foam to rub back and forth in the hand 10 ~ 15s, the whole rubbing time should not be less than 30s, and finally rinse with running tap water. Under normal circumstances, this approach should be repeated two or three times.