本研究除了关注年龄和智力因素的影响外 ,还首次探讨了自闭症病症的程度与心理推测能力的关系。综合本研究和以往研究的结果得出 :生理年龄大并同时伴随较高智力能有助于自闭症儿童理解他人的心理。此外 ,本研究发现 ,自闭症病症程度与心理推测能力之间有显著的负相关。采用大样本去论证这个关系的存在应是今后研究的一个方向。
In addition to focusing on the effects of age and intellectual factors, this study first explores the relationship between the severity of autistic disorders and psychosocial inference. Based on the results of this study and previous studies, we conclude that a large physiological age accompanied by a high level of intelligence can help children with autism understand the psychology of others. In addition, this study found that there was a significant negative correlation between the degree of autistic disorder and the ability to predict psychology. The use of large samples to demonstrate the existence of this relationship should be a direction of future research.