
来源 :黑龙江社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong420
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市场经济只有正面效应,还是具有正负双重效应,这是一个值得认真探讨的理论问题和实践问题。近年有人写文章批驳市场经济双重效应论,认为:“市场经济本质上是不存在‘负面效应’的,双重效应论存在一些认识上的误区”。此种观点我们不敢苟同,因为它与理不通,与实不符。当然,当前有许多人把社会上出现的种种不良现象不分青红皂白地一股脑都归咎于市场经济,似乎市场经济是万恶之源,这也是不公正的。必须把市场经济条件下出现的许多社会问题与市场经济本身剥离开来。但是,市场经济本身存在着负面社会效应,这也是一个不可否认的事实。不承认市场经济的负面社会效应,认为市场经济是万能的,是十全十美的,似乎只要一实行市场经济,什么问题都可以迎刃而解,这是片面的。世间一切事物无不具有两面性,正效应与负效应往往是一对孪生兄弟,在正面效应中往往蕴含着负面效应,二者同体同根、相互依存、相互制约。市场经济当然也不会例外。 The market economy has only a positive effect or a double positive or negative effect. This is a theoretical issue and a practical issue worth seriously studying. In recent years, some people have written articles criticizing the dual effects of the market economy. They hold the view that “the market economy does not have a ’negative effect’ in essence, and there are some misunderstandings about the dual effects theory.” We do not agree with this view because it is unreasonable and does not correspond with reality. Of course, at present, many people at present blame the market economy for the indiscriminate emergence of various undesirable phenomena in society. It seems that market economy is the source of all evil. It is also unfair. Many social problems that have emerged under the conditions of a market economy must be separated from the market economy itself. However, there is a negative social effect in the market economy itself. This is an undeniable fact. Without recognizing the negative social effects of the market economy, we think that the market economy is omnipotent and perfect. It seems that as long as a market economy is implemented, any problems can be solved in a one-sided manner. All things in the world have both sides. Positive and negative effects are often twin brothers. In the positive effects, they often contain negative effects. They both have the same root, interdependence and mutual restraint. Of course, the market economy is no exception.