1.菇棚建造选择远离畜禽栏舍、无污染、背风向阳、土层较厚的场所建菇棚。菇棚东西向,座北朝南,半地下式。棚宽2米左右,长度不限。采用下挖上筑的方法,下挖深度1.4 ̄1.5米。下挖时按底部内缩0.1 ̄0.15米的坡度进行,以便筑菌墙时菌坯逐层后缩,防止菌墙前倾倒塌。地上部分,北墙高
1. Mushroom shed construction options away from the livestock and poultry barns, pollution-free, leeward sunny, thick soil places built Mushroom shed. Mushroom shed east-west, North Block south, semi-underground type. Shelf width of 2 meters, an unlimited length. Using the method of digging on the digging depth 1.4 ~ 1.5 meters. Excavated by the bottom of the contraction of 0.1 ~ 0.15 meters slope, so that when the bacteria bacteria wall bacteria layer by layer shrinkage to prevent the collapse of the wall forward lean. Above ground, north wall high