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今年4月初的一天,我们科协调宣部党支部和学会联办党支部的全体党员登上了北京市海拔最高的气象站——延庆县佛爷岭气象站,进行了一次党日活动。我们不仅感受了气象站的共产党员们敬业奉献的工作状态,更在艰苦的环境中接受了一次精神洗礼。气象站位于海拔1200多米的山上,上山只有一条狭窄的盘山砂石路。颠簸了一个多小时后,我们终于看到了气象站那几幢低矮的砖房。我们先是参观气象站的机房。这是一间七八平方米的小屋,临窗的旧书桌上摆着一台老式的486电脑。工作人员小韩说,这是气象台惟一的电脑。他坐在电脑前,向我们介绍了如何通过内部网,将采集的气象数据每天定时传到市气象中心。他说,过去是靠手工编报气象资料,然后打电话向市里报,现在有了电脑,比以前好多了。“但电脑经常死机,运转速度也很慢,还不能上网。”小韩说,“最怕的是停电,有时一停半天,还是得靠手工编报。”气象站有四位工作人员,在这里工作时间最长的已经有17年了。小史是四人中最年轻的,上山也7年了。从他的介绍中,我们了解了气象站的工作情况:每天根据目标物测能见度,根据经验和仪器测云量、云状和云高,以及 One day in early April this year, all Party members of the Party Branch of the Coordination and Propaganda Department and the branch office of the League Liaison Office boarded a party day activity on the Foyelingling Weather Station in Yanqing County, the highest weather station in Beijing. We not only experienced the dedication and dedication of Communists at the weather station, but also received a spiritual baptism in a difficult environment. Weather station is located at an altitude of more than 1,200 meters above the mountain, there is only a narrow mountain winding gravel road. Bumpy more than an hour later, we finally saw the weather station that a few low brick houses. We first visit the weather station room. This is a 78-square-meter cottage with an old 486 computer on the old desk near the window. Xiao Han staff said that this is the only computer weather station. He sat in front of the computer and showed us how to get the collected weather data to the city weather center daily through the intranet. He said that in the past, weather information was compiled by hand and then telephoned the city to report that there was a computer now, much better than before. “However, the computer often crashes, operating speed is very slow, can not access the Internet. ” Xiao Han said “The fear is the power outage, and sometimes stop for a long time, or rely on manual compilation. ” There are four weather stations Staff, the longest working time here has been 17 years. Small history is the youngest of four, up the mountain for 7 years. From his introduction, we learned about the weather station’s work: daily visibility based on target measurements, cloudiness and cloudiness based on experience and instrumentation, cloudiness and cloudiness, and
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