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5月12日14时28分,四川省汶川县发生里氏8.0级大地震,三十年未遇之特大灾难突如其来。从那一刻起,即时更新的讯息和分秒必争的救援行动,便一直牵动着全中国和全世界亿万人民的心。也正是从那一刻起,全国干干万万幼教同行,多了一份对灾区幼儿、教师和幼儿园的深深牵挂,割舍不下。在得知相关负责同志正全力以赴抗灾救险,暂时无法提供四川全省幼教受灾详情之后,5月18目15时,我们辗转联系到重灾区之一的德阳市。在教委大院临时搭建的帐篷中,参与救灾指挥工作的教委有关领导接受了我们的电话采访。凝重而负责的话语中传递的灾情令人触目惊心。截至5月17日18时,德阳市教育系统灾情最新统计情况为,全市师生因地震伤亡共计6896人,其中学生死亡1794人,受伤4805人,教职工死亡53人,受伤244人;全市70%的学校出现危房,共有13655间校舍垮塌,面积 At 14:28 on May 12, an 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province. The extraordinary catastrophe that had not happened in 30 years suddenly came into being. From that moment on, immediate updates of messages and time-bound rescue efforts have been influencing the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions of people in China and all over the world. It is also from that moment on that the entire country has done a great job of educating and educating hundreds of thousands of children and teachers and kindergartens in disaster-hit areas. After we learned that the relevant responsible comrades are fully dedicated to disaster relief and rescue work and are unable to provide the details of the disaster early childhood education in Sichuan Province, we can get in touch with Deyang City, one of the hardest hit areas, at 15:00 on May 18th. Temporary tents set up in the Education Commission compound, involved in disaster relief command of the Board of Education leaders accepted our telephone interview. The disaster delivered in a dignified and responsible discourse is shocking. As of 18 May, at 18:00 on May 17, the latest statistics of the disaster in the education system in Deyang City showed that there were 6,896 casualties among students and teachers in the city, including 1,794 student deaths, 4805 injuries, 53 staff deaths and 244 injuries. The city’s 70 % Of the schools were in dilapidated conditions, with a total of 13,655 school buildings collapsed and area
早就听说过鸳鸯谷美丽迷人,今天我刚走进鸳鸯谷,就被鸳鸯谷的“野”所陶醉。山是野的。鸳鸯谷的山有自然之情趣,而无人工之痕迹,是天然的美。这种美,是一种惊 Already heard
牙齿有咀嚼的功能,还有帮助发音、保持面部外形美观的作用,所以千万要保护好孩子的牙齿。1 要重视和保护好乳牙。小孩生下后,半岁开始出乳牙,到二岁半时乳牙完全萌出,上下共
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