在戏剧舞台上常有这种现象:一些名演员刚一出场,一声叫板,便赢得台下热烈的掌声,这就叫先声夺人。 新产品的开发也是这样,只要能出新出奇,一经问世便会引起社会各界的注目和轰动。 三门峡新兴材料有限公司新近研制出一种取名为“888豪华木地板块”的产品,尚未大量投放市场,便引起了有关专家和消费者的极大兴趣。有人曾预言,这一产品将领导装饰材料新潮流,并很快风靡世界!
This phenomenon is often seen in the theater stage: when some famous actors just made appearances and clanked, they won applause from the audience. This is called a start-stopping victory. The same is true for the development of new products. As long as new products can be surprisingly new, once it is published, it will arouse the attention and sensation of all sectors of society. Sanmenxia Emerging Materials Co., Ltd. recently developed a product named “888 Luxury Wooden Flooring Blocks” that has not yet been put on the market in large quantities and has caused great interest among experts and consumers. Someone once predicted that this product will lead the new trend of decorative materials and it will quickly become popular around the world!