可持续发展是国际社会80年代以来提出的一种新的发展思想,是人类发展观念的重大变革,它的核心是发展。我国是一个发展中国家,实施可持续发展战略是通向21世纪的必然选择。 上海市有色金属总公司是我国重要的有色金属深加工和延伸产品生产、科研和出口基地之一。总公司自1985年组建以来,装备水平、生产能力、产品档次、品种结构、质量等级大幅度提高,工业销售收入增长2倍,出口创汇翻了两番,产品辐射世界各地,形成了一批有规模、有水平、有发展后劲的企业。处于世纪之交,
Sustainable development is a new development idea put forward by the international community since the 1980s. It is a major change in the concept of human development. Its core is development. As a developing country, China implements its strategy of sustainable development as its inevitable choice in the 21st century. Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Corporation is one of China’s important non-ferrous metal deep processing and extension products production, research and export base. Since its establishment in 1985, the head office has greatly improved its equipment level, production capacity, product quality, variety structure and quality level. Its industrial sales revenue has tripled and its export volume has quadrupled. The products have been radiated all over the world and formed a series of Scale, level, there is development potential of enterprises. At the turn of the century,