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在当前改革开放新的形势下,机关事务管理工作面临新的特点、新的任务、新的问题,从事机关事务工作的部门一定要按照党的十七大提出的“继续解放思想,坚持改革创新”的要求,坚持解放思想不动摇,坚持发展不放松,坚韧不拔不徘徊,狠抓各项工作的创新和落实。不把班子困在会议上。要求到一线去解决问题。重点放在落实上。他们不以会议落实会议,以文件落实文件,做到不解决突出问题的会议不开,没有新意的文件不发,没有新意的话不讲,要求所有班子成员沉到第一线,把精力放在抓落实上。局里成立专门的督查办,一把手建立督查交办单制 Under the current new situation of reform and opening up, the organs and affairs management work is confronted with new features, new tasks and new problems. The departments engaged in the affairs of organs and agencies must continue to emancipate their minds and persist in the reform in accordance with the Party’s 17th CPC National Congress Innovation ", adhere to the emancipation of the mind unswervingly adhere to the development does not relax, perseverance do not wander, pay close attention to the innovation and implementation of the work. Do not trap team in the meeting. Asked to the front line to solve the problem. Focus on the implementation. They do not take the meeting to implement the meeting, document implementation of documents, do not solve the outstanding issues of the meeting is not open, there is no new document does not hair, no new words, do not say, all team members are required to sink to the forefront, to focus on Grasping the implementation. The bureau set up a special supervision office, the number one leader to set up supervision and inspection system
冰心——我魂牵梦萦、由衷钦敬的文学家和爱国老人! 去年10月4日,正值她老人家100周岁诞辰(10月5日)前夕,我在福州鼓屏路玲珑鲜花店,订做了一个用100支红玫瑰编成的花篮,冒