Industrial CT (all referred to as “Industrial Computed Tomography Imaging Technology”) is a non-destructive testing technology developed from medical CT. In the late 1970s, a few European and American developed countries applied it to aviation, aerospace, material science, and nuclear for the first time. High-tech fields such as science, bioengineering, and microelectronics were extended to the industrial sectors such as machinery, metallurgy, electric power, petrochemicals, and geology and mining. By the end of 1988, the government of Mianyang City, Sichuan University, China Institute of Engineering Physics, and The Southwest ICT Research and Development Center, composed of Southwestern Institute of Automation and other units, began to develop the industrial CT in China and was listed as a “Torch Plan” preparation project by the National Science and Technology Commission in 1990. For more than four years, the ICT Task Force of Chongqing University has been conducting scientific research. After numerous tests, the personnel finally successfully debugged the first XN-1300 industrial CT.