走进WTO(一) 世界贸易组织(WTO)简介

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2001年9月17日,一个值得纪念的日子,中国加入世界贸易组织的所有法律文件在日内瓦获得通过,它标志着长达15年的中国入世谈判最后结束;2001年11月11日,一个具有历史意义的日子,中国入世的法律文件在提交世贸组织第四次部长级会议审议通过后,又完成了必要的法律程序,2001年12月11日中国将正式成为世贸组织的成员。中国是1986年7月10日提出复关申请的。1987年10月22日到1994年10月20日,关贸总协定中国工作组共举行了19次会议。关贸总协定被世贸组织取代后,其中国工作组也转换为世贸组织中国工作组。1996年3月22日至今,工作组共举行了18次会议。中国经历了世贸组织历史上最复杂、技术上最困难的谈判,迎来的是什么?是贡献,是机遇,是挑战!贡献:对世界而言,中国入世后,中国巨大的市场潜力将会逐步转化为现实的购买力,从而为世界各国各地区提供了一个巨大的开放的市场。这是中国将要对人类作出的重要贡献。机遇:对中国来说,中国将按照世贸组织的原则,进一步完善符合国际通行规则的社会主义市场经济体制,并将按照世贸组织相互开放市场的原则,加强与包括广大发展中国家在内的所有世贸组织成员的经济技术合作。这必将大大促进中国的现代化建设和参与国际经济的能力。挑战:把一个由计划经济向市场经济转变过程中的巨 On September 17, 2001, a commemorative day, all legal documents of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization were passed in Geneva, marking the final conclusion of 15 years of China’s accession negotiations. On November 11, 2001, On the historic day, the legal documents of China’s accession to the WTO completed the necessary legal procedures after it was submitted to the Fourth WTO Ministerial Meeting for consideration. On December 11, 2001, China will formally become a member of the WTO. China filed a petition on July 10, 1986. From October 22, 1987 to October 20, 1994, the GATT China Working Group held a total of 19 meetings. After the GATT was replaced by the WTO, its China Working Group was also transformed into the WTO China Working Group. From 22 March 1996 to date, the Working Group held a total of 18 meetings. China Has Experienced the Most Complex and Technical Most Difficult Negotiation in WTO History What Is Welcoming? Is Contribution, Opportunity, Challenge? Contribution: For the world, China’s huge market potential will be greater for China Gradually translate into real purchasing power, thus providing a vast open market for all regions of the world. This is an important contribution that China will make to mankind. Opportunities: For China, China will further perfect the socialist market economic system in line with the rules of international trade in accordance with the principles of the WTO and will step up efforts to increase its cooperation with all developing countries, including the vast majority of developing countries, in accordance with the principle of mutual openness of the WTO Economic and Technical Cooperation among WTO Members. This will certainly greatly promote China’s modernization and its ability to participate in the international economy. Challenge: Take a huge transition from a planned economy to a market economy
建立了实用的Ni1结构钢空冷新型动态相图,进行了相应的组织与化学成分的分析。 A new dynamic phase diagram of air cooling of Ni1 structural steel was established and