Godson Chip\\" Industrial League Established

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A business alliance has been formed for the industrialization of the “Godson chip” technology, a general-purpose, high-performance central processing unit (CPU) developed by Chinese scientists. Li Guojie, CAS member and director of CAS Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), made the announcement on December 24. A business alliance has been formed for the industrialization of the “Godson chip ” technology, a general-purpose, high-performance central processing unit (CPU) developed by Chinese scient. Li Guojie, CAS member and director of CAS Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), made the announcement on December 24.
宝储菱在逆境中求变革的三年历程得益予以下3个关键要素:明确战略。人员配备,一靠培训,二靠招聘,两者互动,建立团队。“两板”并进,两条腿走路。 Bao Chuling’s three-year
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20 0 2年 10月 2 0日 ,江苏省农业科学院喜庆 70华诞。来自海内外的各界人士、中国农科院、全国各兄弟省、市、自治区农科院、相关高等院校、省直机关及部分市县负责同志汇聚
《招标投标法实施条例》的颁布、实施是解决招标投标领域突出问题、促进公平竞争、预防和惩治腐败的一项重要举措。 The promulgation and implementation of the Implement
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1.我们经常在墙角或树丛中看到蜘蛛,它们躲在网边,专等飞来的昆虫粘在网上,成为它们的食品。 1. We often see spiders in the corner or in the bushes. They hide behind