引言音节的问题是一个非常复杂的问题。长期以来 ,各国的语言学家们对其本质众说纷纭 ,但直到现在仍莫衷一是。音节的定义一直困绕着研究者们。传统上 ,人们从语音的角度来看待音节 ,从生理学的角度 ,用与发音器官相联系的肌肉运动来解释音节。或者从音位的角度 ,认为音节是音
Introduction The problem of syllables is a very complex issue. For a long time, linguists of various countries have different opinions about their essence, but they still do not agree until now. The definition of syllables has been around the researchers. Traditionally, syllables have been viewed from a phonetic perspective, and from a physiologic point of view, syllables have been interpreted in terms of muscular movements associated with vocal organs. Or from a phonemic perspective, consider a syllable as a tone