Through a pilot study of the relationship between airway geometry and performance characteristics, a parametric inlet design tool was developed using the experimental design of mathematical statistics. Special attention is given to obtaining realistic, commercially viable inlet geometry that can be used directly in the engine design concept. Build a modular approach using a flexible, replaceable, universal inlet model. Constraints are used to indicate the additional characteristics of the cylinder head and the requirements of the external layout. Use rapid prototyping and reliable test methods to evaluate their performance as completely as possible. By comparing the predicted value with the new experimental data, the gas flow in the cylinder was successfully verified. By analyzing the experimental design data and the polynomial model generated, a series of knowledge models of intake manifold commonly used in diesel engine were developed and used to predict the optimum design configuration. The main tasks presented in developing and testing a parametric knowledge model are presented, including a discussion of key findings and conclusions. At the same time, an example is given to illustrate the system’s application in the key evaluation of development work and actual project design.