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山东花生与黄曲霉黄曲霉属真菌类,它分泌的毒素即黄曲霉毒素,是强致癌物质,已被世界各国高度重视。易感黄曲霉的粮谷类,主要有玉米、大米和花生等。我国出口花生,90%以上都需要出据黄曲霉毒素证书(无或含量在5PPb以下)。以前山东出口花生极少被黄曲霉毒素污... Shandong peanut and aflatoxin aflatoxin fungi, it is the secretion of toxins, aflatoxin, is a strong carcinogen, has been highly valued all over the world. Susceptible aflatoxin grains, mainly corn, rice and peanuts. China’s export of peanuts, more than 90% are required according to aflatoxin certificate (no content or below 5PPb). Before the export of peanuts rarely aflatoxin stain ...