编辑同志: 妇女参政是社会发展的需要,能进一步激发广大妇女参与社会建设的积极性,促进妇女解放事业的发展。然而,几千年来“男尊女卑”、“男主女从”的封建腐朽思想的影响,使妇女参政受到很大限制。当今妇女从政的比例仍然很低。据统计,1988年全国女干部总人数870万,仅占干部总人数的28.9%。89年和90年女干部的比例没多大变化,而在这数量本来就少的女干部中又包括为数相当可观的妇女群众团体组织的女干部,真正挤进与男性共有的社会生活中的女干部是很少的。况且女干部中又是基层干部多,中高层干部少;年纪大的多,年轻者少;副职多,正职少,甚至有些地方领导班子中女干部只是点缀,
Editor’s Comrade: Women’s participation in politics is the need of social development, which can further arouse the enthusiasm of the majority of women in social construction and promote the development of women’s liberation cause. However, the influence of the feudal and decadent ideology of “male superiority” and “male female heroine slaveness” for thousands of years has greatly restricted the participation of women in politics. The percentage of women in politics today remains low. According to statistics, the total number of women cadres nationwide reached 8.7 million in 1988, accounting for only 28.9% of the total cadres. The proportion of women cadres in 1989 and 1990 has not changed much. In this small number of women cadres, however, they have included women cadres organized by a considerable number of women’s mass organizations, women who have really squeezed into the social life shared by men Cadres are very few. Moreover, there are also a large number of grass-roots cadres in the female cadres, with a small number of middle and high-ranking cadres; those who are older and less young are fewer; those with more deputy positions and less formal posts have even embellished the cadres in some local leading groups,