【摘 要】
Combining the advantages of both the genetic algorithm (GA) and the chase decoding algorithm, a novel improved decoding algorithm of the block turbo code (BTC) with lower computation complexity and more rapid decoding speed is proposed in order to meet th
【机 构】
【出 处】
Combining the advantages of both the genetic algorithm (GA) and the chase decoding algorithm, a novel improved decoding algorithm of the block turbo code (BTC) with lower computation complexity and more rapid decoding speed is proposed in order to meet the developing demands of optical communication systems. Compared with the traditional chase decoding algorithm, the computation complexity can be reduced and the decoding speed can be accelerated by applying the novel algorithm. The simulation results show that the net coding gain (NCG) of the novel BTC decoding algorithm is 1.1 dB more than that of the traditional chase decoding algorithm at the bit error rate (BER) of 10-6. Therefore, the novel decoding algorithm has better decoding correction-error performance and is suitable for the BTC in optical communication systems.
实时成像是太赫兹成像技术的发展方向之一。利用美国相干公司生产的CO2抽运的THz激光器, 采用124×124像元的面阵探测器对人民币水印进行了成像实验研究; 实验中所用激光频率为2.5 THz。同时, 采用多幅图像平均等方法提高图像信噪比, 最后采用阈值分割方法实现水印提取。利用此成像装置已获得较清晰的人民币水印实时图像, 通过所用的图像处理方法以使水印更清晰可辨。实验结果表明, 此种成像方式在图像分辨率和成像帧频方面具有很大的优势。
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混色均匀性对大部分彩色 LED照明而言都是一个难点, 尤其体现在近距离小角度空间范围。本文由此提出了准直透镜与复眼微结构组合的混色透镜设计, 具有良好的混色效果, 适用于智能照明。根据实际仿真, 对设计方法进行特性分析, 以找到能量利用率和混色效果之间的平衡点。最后给出一个发散角为 20°、能量利用率达到 93%且在远近空间都具有良好混色效果的设计结果, 证明该设计方法的可行性。
实验装置由真空管调制器、工作在9360 MHz、脉冲重复率达4 kHz的磁控管、入射和反射功率测量仪表、波导系统和使入射超高频能量均匀分布在l=15 cm长渡上的超髙频功率输入放电管装置组成。沿内径为7 mm 的石英管的长度方向放置许多小锶块,将此管垂直于入射超髙频功率通量放入输入装置,并使电场强度矢量垂直于石英管轴。