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河北省涉县作为革命老区,为中国抗日战争的胜利立下了不朽功勋,这里既是当时华北抗日游击战争的坚强核心,又是抗日主战场之一,先后有中共中央北方局太行分局、太行区党委、太行军区等100多个党政军机关及所属机构驻涉工作。刘伯承、邓小平同志曾在此战斗生活达六年之久,八路军一二九师从不到一万人、发展壮大到拥有三十万正规部队的“刘邓大军”,为解放战争的胜利打下了坚实的基础。在抗日战争胜利50周年之际,记者踏上了这块英雄的土地,深深感到中华民族英勇奋战、 Shexian County in Hebei Province, as a revolutionary old quarter, set an immortal deed for the victory of the Chinese anti-Japanese war. This was both a strong core of the anti-Japanese guerrilla war in North China and one of the main battlefields in the anti-Japanese war. There were successively the Taihang Branch of the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Party committees and the Taihang Military Region and more than 100 party, government and military agencies and their affiliated agencies are involved in the work. Comrade Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping had lived and fought in this battle for six years. From the first to the eighteenth Brigade of the Eighth Route Army, less than 10,000 people have grown to the “army of Liu and Deng,” with 300,000 regular troops, laying the groundwork for the victory of the Liberation War solid foundation. On the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, reporters embarked on this heroic land and deeply felt that the Chinese nation has fought bravely.
【正】 1950年,柳亚子先生在北京怀仁堂出席国庆文艺晚会,当场填“浣溪沙”词一首: 火树银花不夜天,不是一人能领导, 弟兄姊妹舞翩跹,哪容百族共骈阗? 歌声响彻月儿圆。良宵