This article describes a thin film circuit based on process design, processing, X-band downconverter. First of all, the whole program is analyzed and demonstrated. Then, the simulation design of the circuit unit and frequency converter system such as RF and IF filter, Lange bridge, low noise amplifier and mixer are carried out by using Agilent’s ADS simulation design software. Finally, after the processing test to verify that the inverter performance is good. Its operating frequency is 9.35GHz-9.85GHz, frequency conversion gain is ≥26dB, noise factor is ≤2dB, Po1dB compression point power is ≥10dBm, input and output standing wave is ≤1.3, image rejection ratio is ≥50dB; LO input is 0 ± 1dBm. The entire circuit cavity structure size of 70mm × 20mm × 10mm.