The ventricular fibrillation threshold was assessed to reflect the reliability of ventricular fibrillation by measuring the ventricular fibrillation threshold at different times in the heart vulnerable part of the rat heart. The ventricular fibrillation thresholds measured at different times during the vulnerable period differed by 13.1 ± 6.4 mA. Under the influence of accelerating heart rate, propofol and left coronary artery ligation, the thresholds of ventricular fibrillation varied greatly at different times during the period of vulnerability. Therefore, it is less reliable to report ventricular fibrillation with a ventricular fibrillation threshold at some point in the vulnerable phase. Using the magnitude of the change in ventricular fibrillation threshold to reflect the extent to which a factor affects the heart’s vulnerability is less precise. This experiment suggests that the duration of vulnerable period can better reflect the heart vulnerable heart.