提高认识 加强领导——努力做好离退休干部工作

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我厅现有离退休职工7033人,占在职总数的33%,分布在全省14个地(州)市所辖的33个县级单位。其中离休干部258人,退休干部977人,退休工人5798人。近年来,我们按照中央和省上有关离退休干部工作的方针政策,紧紧围绕党的中心工作,在建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,针对离退休干部人数多,且居住分散这一突出特点,加强领导,结合实际,积极做好离退休干部工作。我们的主要做法是:一、加强离退休干部党支部建设,做好新时期老干部思想政治工作搞好老干部党支部建设,对保持新时期老党员形象,做好老干部的思想政治工作,促进改革、发展和稳定,都具有十分重要的意义。我们首先抓了老干部党支部的组织建设。建立党支部30个,党小组49个。党支部书记大多由离退休干部中有较高政策理论水平,威望高,身体较好,年龄相对较小的老干部担任,并坚持每两年改选一次。二是重视加强对离退休党员的教育管理工作,充分发挥离退休党支部的战斗堡垒作用,对离退休党员干部深入进行共产主义理想和社会主义信念教育,使离退休党员始终保持政治上的清醒和坚定;严格组织生活,坚持每月召开一次组织生活会,进一步增强离退休党员的组织纪律观念。三是把开展“争先创优”活动作为加强离退休党支部思想建设的重要措施,先后有12个离退休党支部和38位离退休党员被厅党组和本单位党委授予“先进党支部”和“优秀党员”的称号。 Currently, there are 7033 retired employees in our office, accounting for 33% of the total number of in-service employees, which are distributed in 33 county-level units under the jurisdiction of 14 prefectures (prefectures) in the province. Including 258 retired cadres, 977 retired cadres and 5,798 retired workers. In recent years, in accordance with the guidelines and policies on the work of retired cadres at the central and provincial levels, we have been working closely around the party’s central work and under the new situation of establishing a socialist market economic system, we have directed a large number of retired cadres and scattered living quarters Prominent features, strengthen leadership, with the actual situation, and actively do the work of retired cadres. Our main approaches are: First, to strengthen the building of the retired cadres’ party branches, to do a good job ideological and political work of veteran cadres in the new period do a good job in building cadres and party branches, to maintain the image of veteran party members in the new era, do the ideological and political work of veteran cadres, promote reform, Development and stability are of great significance. We first catch the organizational construction of the party branches of veteran cadres. Set up 30 branches and 49 party groups. Party branch secretary mostly retired cadres among the higher policy level, high prestige, good health, relatively young age served as cadres, and insisted on re-election every two years. Second, attach importance to strengthening education and management of retired Party members, giving full play to the role of the retired party branch as a fighting fortress, and educating retired party members and cadres on their ideals of communism and socialist beliefs so that retired party members will always maintain their political awareness And firm; strict organizational life, adhere to organize a monthly organized a life meeting, and further enhance the concept of organizational discipline for retired party members. Thirdly, as an important measure to strengthen the ideological building of the retired party branch, there are 12 retired party branches and 38 retired party members who were awarded the “Advanced Party” by the Party Group and the Party Committee of the unit. Branch “and ” outstanding party member "title.
患儿女,胎龄38周,土法接生,生产稍不顺.出生后全身紫绀、四肢发冷、不动、无哭声及呼吸.接生员立即用燃有火焰的白酒擦洗患儿躯干、臀部、四肢等.约30 s后,患儿开始啼哭、呼吸,肢体活动.立即将其放入铺有热沙土的襁褓中包裹.3 h后患儿逐渐出现呼吸浅快、鼻翼扇动、口唇发绀等.送当地医院就诊,见全身多处皮肤脱落,疑为烧伤.2 h后转入笔者单位.查体:体温不升,呼吸72次/min,心率250次/min,
在日常点检时发现矿编1号ZL130减速机出现明显的漏油、噪声加大等事故征兆,现场拆检后发现该减速机一轴轴承座已严重磨损,在直径方向磨损偏差最大达4.3 mm,磨损面轴向长度达5