配子输卵管内移植(gamete intra—fallopiantransfer,简称 GIFT)是近代辅助生育技术之一,是将卵子和经处理的精液注入输卵管壶腹部使之受精进而在子宫着床、发育而得以妊娠的方法。世界上第一例GIFT 婴儿于1984年在美国诞生。国内第一例 GIFT
Gamete intra-fallopiantransfer (GIFT) is one of the modern assisted reproductive technologies. It is a method of fertilizing ovum and processed seminal fluid into the ampulla of the oviduct to fertilize the ampulla of the oviduct so that it can be implanted and developed in the uterus. The world’s first GIFT baby was born in the United States in 1984. The first case of GIFT in China