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专题指导 本专题有两部分内容:(一)鸦片战争、第二次鸦片战争、资本主义国家侵略中国的加剧、中法战争、甲午中日战争、帝国主义瓜分中国的狂潮、八国联军侵华战争。北洋军阀统治时期帝国主义对中国的侵略;(二)辛酉政变和“借师助剿”、建立总理衙门、洋务运动、戊戌政变、清末“新政”和“预备立宪”骗局,宣统帝退位。 本专题重点是资本帝国主义侵略中国与世界资本主义发展的联系,资本帝国主义侵略中国的方式及其给中国社会造成的危害。难点是资本主义国家对中国的经济侵略、中国封建君主专制制度的结束。 列强侵华是世界资本主义发展的必然产物,是资本帝国主义开拓殖民地、争夺原料和产品销售市场及世界霸权的重要组成部分,其特点是与整个资本主义的发展过程紧密联系的。清政府的反动统治即经济制度落后、政治统治腐朽,致使西方列强的侵略给中国社会带来深重灾难。(一)鸦片战争、第二次鸦片战争、资本主义国家经济侵略的加剧,反映了自由资本主义时期,以英、法两国为主的西方列强对外进行商品输出、开拓世界市场的要求。中国因经济、军事实力的严重落后与清政府的妥协投降,造成一败再败,签订了一系 Thematic guidance This topic has two parts: (1) The Opium War, the Second Opium War, the intensification of capitalist countries’ aggression against China, the Sino-French War, Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, the frenzy of imperialist division of China, and the eight-nation allied war of aggression against China . During the reign of the Northern Warlords, imperialist aggression against China; (b) Xin Yu coup d’état and “helping teachers”, the establishment of the Prime Minister’s office, the Westernization Movement, the 1954 Coup d’etat, the “New Deal” in the late Qing Dynasty, and the “preparatory constitutionalism” swindle. Xuantong Emperor abdicated. The focus of this special topic is the relationship between capital imperialism invading China and the development of world capitalism, the way in which capital imperialism invades China, and the harm it causes to Chinese society. Difficulties are the economic aggression of China’s capitalist countries and the end of China’s feudal monarchy. The invasion of China by the great powers is an inevitable outcome of the development of world capitalism. It is an important component of capital imperialism’s efforts to develop colonies, compete for raw materials, market for product sales, and world hegemony. Its characteristics are closely linked to the entire capitalist development process. The reactionary rule of the Qing government was that the economic system was backward and the political rule was corrupted, causing Western aggressors to bring about serious disasters to Chinese society. (1) The intensification of the Opium War, the Second Opium War, and the economic aggression of the capitalist countries reflected the demands of the Western powers, mainly Britain and France, to export goods and expand the world market during the period of liberal capitalism. China’s economic and military strength has fallen behind and the Qing government has compromised and surrendered, resulting in a defeat and defeat. A series has been signed.
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