急性一氧化碳中毒后迟发性脑病(DEACMP)系指急性CO中毒患者经抢救在急性中毒症状恢复后,经过数日或数周表现正常或接近正常的“假愈期”后出现以意识、精神障碍、锥体外系或锥体系为主的脑病表现。其在急性CO中毒患者中的发生率为2%~30%。其发生率与CO接触时间、昏迷时间和与延误治疗时间成正比。 1 发病机理 DEACMP产生的机理:过去认为CO中毒时脑内小血管
Acute carbon monoxide poisoning delayed encephalopathy (DEACMP) refers to the patients with acute CO poisoning after salvage in acute poisoning symptoms, after several days or weeks, the performance of normal or near-normal “false leave” after the emergence of consciousness, Mental disorders, extrapyramidal system or cones dominated encephalopathy performance. The incidence of acute CO poisoning in patients with 2% to 30%. The incidence of CO exposure time, coma time and delay treatment time is proportional to. 1 pathogenesis Mechanism of DEACMP production: the past that CO poisoning in the brain of small blood vessels