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石潭村位于安徽歙县霞坑镇的山坳里。石潭村静谧幽深的街巷格式(十八街)、诗情画意的村边水口景观、淡雅明快的建筑色调、小桥流水人家的江南风景、精湛华丽的装饰风格,无不给人留下深刻的印象。自石潭始祖吴启公长子吴唯迁居到石潭村,至今已有800多年。在石潭村,无论从哪个方向沿石板路上山,都是步步成景、处处入画。每到春暖花开之时,映山红、 Shitan village is located in Anhui Xiaxian Xia pit town. Shitan Village quiet and deep street format (18th Street), poetic village edge of the water outlet landscape, elegant and lively architectural colors, bridges people Jiangnan scenery, exquisite ornate decorative style, all to make a deep impression . Since the ancestor of Wu Tan ancestor WU Wei Wu moved to Shitan Village, has been 800 years. In Shitou Village, no matter from which direction along the stone road up the hill, are gradually into King, everywhere into the painting. When spring flowers bloom, azalea,
Allium cepa bioassay had been used from decades for the assessment of toxicants and their harmful effects on environment as well as human health.Magnesium oxide
The toxic effects of gold nanoparticles surface-functionalized with the antimicrobial peptide indolicidin (AuNPs-indolicidin) towards the yeast Saccharomyces ce
樟树是城市道路绿化的好树种 ,传统的栽培方法是带土球用草绳包扎 ,特别是大树 (胸径在14cm以上 )。这种作法起苗难度大 ,包扎困难 ,搬运费用高 ,栽植成活率也低。我县 1999年
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