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随着知识经济和信息社会的到来,在职业学校中普及计算机教育已提到议事日程上来了,让每位职校学生熟练掌握计算机,已是刻不容缓的一件大事,这不仅影响职校学生未来的就业,也会极大地提高他们步入社会后的生存能力,甚至可以增加学生将来自我择业机会。为了培养优秀的跨世纪人才,必须提高教学效益,改革教学方法与教学手段,才能适应现代教育技术的发展,下面就多年来计算机教学的工作总结,谈一点自己的看法: With the advent of the knowledge-based economy and the information society, the popularization of computer education in vocational schools has already been mentioned on the agenda. It is a matter of great urgency for every vocational school student to master computers skillfully. This will not only affect the future of vocational students. The employment will also greatly improve their survivability after entering the community, and may even increase their chances of self-employment in the future. In order to cultivate excellent trans-century talents, we must improve teaching effectiveness, reform teaching methods and teaching methods to adapt to the development of modern educational technology. Here is a summary of the work of computer teaching over the years, to talk about their own views:
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