近年来自然灾害以及环境破坏的不断恶化致使大规模环境流离失所者产生,对国际社会产生了巨大的冲击,因此,环境流离失所者逐渐为各国所重视和关注。本文旨在结合各家学说观点,重新对环境流离失所者的概念、法律地位予以梳理,并在此基础上,多角度分析当下环境流离失所者保护措施的利弊,并以2012年10月启动的“Nansen Initiative”作为契机,提出解决环境流离失所者问题的最佳解决办法——缔结国际性公约。
In recent years, the natural catastrophe and the deteriorating environmental damage have led to massive environmental displacements and have had a huge impact on the international community. As a result, the environment displaced people are gradually attaching importance and concern to all countries. The purpose of this article is to reorganize the concept and legal status of the environmental displaced persons by combining the viewpoints of various schools of thought and, on this basis, analyze the pros and cons of the present-day environmental protection measures from a multi-angle perspective. Based on this, Nansen Initiative "as an opportunity to put forward the best solution to the problem of environmental displaced persons - concluding an international convention.